About Us

We specialize in all of your personal therapy needs

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Our Team

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Nancy Diaz

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click here Donald Griffin img

Donald Griffin

https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/9s1wxgsdw Replace this content with your own content. Content should be relevant, unique and written with the goal of providing the reader the type of information they are looking for while motivating them to take action. It’s also important to make sure your content has good usage of SEO rich keywords but written in a…

enter site Patricia Cook img

Patricia Cook

follow Replace this content with your own content. Content should be relevant, unique and written with the goal of providing the reader the type of information they are looking for while motivating them to take action. It’s also important to make sure your content has good usage of SEO rich keywords but written in a…

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.

What we do

https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/jvwxudjq My interest in working with parents came from 9 years as a Music Together instructor in Park Slope, Bay Ridge and Soho. During this I was able to observe and musically help fathers and mothers connect with their children as well as confront some of their own insecurities in being their child’s first music teacher. It was during that time that I became especially interested in finding ways to work with parents in a deeper way and spent the next several years as a therapist providing counseling for families. Many of my new clients expressed wanting to work with me because of how hile the amazing resilience of children has always impressed me, it is the willingness and bravery of parents who dive into the world’s.


How We Work

follow link Our passion has always been supporting people in discovering what’s already present in themselves. I thrive on watching an individual learn how to get out of his or her own way by helping them to discover patterns. Patterns that were once extremely helpful for survival, but today provide only “stuckness.” The most effective way I know to do this is within the counseling relationship. I’m not here to give you a road map or ‘teach’ you–you can go down the block to Barnes & Noble to find step-by-step guides to happiness.

Work with Families

https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/fnv6lmoxt My interest in working with parents came from 9 years as a Music Together instructor in Park Slope, Bay Ridge and Soho. During this I was able to observe and musically help fathers and mothers connect with their children as well as confront some of their own insecurities in being their child’s first music teacher. It was during that time that I became especially interested in finding ways to work with parents in a deeper way and spent the next several years as a therapist providing counseling for families. While the amazing resilience of children has always impressed me, it is the willingness and bravery of parents who dive into the world’s hardest job, sometimes not even having positive modeling during their own childhood, that has fueled my interest. I choose to work with parents with or without their children because I believe they are the major change agents for themselves and their children.

Work with Families

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  • Content shuld be relevant, unique and.
  • Remember, your website is your 24/7 sales.
  • Therefore, putting time into writing strong.
  • Replace this content with your own content.

What Others Are Saying…

follow link “Tyler has really blown me away with his ability to capture our tone of voice and articulate what we have done for years with the practice. He is wonderful and personable and makes it really easy to share with him our process. He also has been incredibly timely. I have truly enjoyed working with him.”- Unnamed Client

“My Counseling Wise writer helped me write two pages of content for my website a few months ago. Having her do this was the best decision I ever made. Many of my new clients expressed wanting to work with me because of how relatable this new content was. My writer really took the time to understand the client I was trying to target and managed to articulate my words into wonderfully written copy. I highly recommend the Counseling Wise writing team and am looking forward to working with my writer again.”- Unnamed Client

“My Counseling Wise writer helped me write two pages of content for my website a few months ago. Having her do this was the best decision I ever made. Many of my new clients expressed wanting to work with me because of how relatable this new content was. My writer really took the time to understand the client I was”- Unnamed Client