Integrating Theraplay with Other Clinical Approaches

Workshop Description

Buy Diazepam In Uk Online Theraplay is a dyadic play therapy that is utilized in a pure sense, as a stand-alone therapy, or is integrated with other methodologies. In fact, as more and more clinicians receive Theraplay training, clinical questions abound regarding how to integrate this special technique, with other approaches such as family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, expressive therapies such as sand, play, and art therapy, as well as other recognizable approaches such as Circle of Security, Dyadic Developmental Therapy, or other attachment models. This workshop will discuss when and how integration is indicated and how to prepare children and their parents for shifts in approach.

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follow site Myriam Goldin, LCSW, RPT-S CE Contact Clock Hours: 12 Cost: $160 per day ($320 for two days)

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